The one question I got after dropping How To Potty Train Your Toddler in Three Days was “Will this work for pooping too?”
Like you guys, Drue and I had such a hard time getting our children to poop. Even with our oldest Panda who was the easiest to potty train, getting him to poop was a whole different ball game.
Pooping is more difficult and scarier for your toddler. A lot of the times when your child seeing poop in the toilet it can be traumatizing. They cant believe something like that can come out of them. Pooping can also hurt. Imagine that you’re pooping in the most comfortable position whenever you want then being asked to sit on a toilet to poop. Of course they struggle with poop. Which brings me to my first tip to getting/ your toddler to poop in the toilet.
Tip#1 Have your toddler pull their knees to their chest while pooping. Have you ever notice you kids while they are pooping (pre-potty training)? I noticed when my child had difficulty pooping they squat, knees to chest and booty below the knees. That position makes it so much easier to poop when they are constipated. This is what we want to recreate while they are on the toilet. Have them sit on their potty seat then have them put the heel of their feet to the edge of the toilet seat.
Tip#2 Give them toys, books, crayons and paper anything to distract them from the fact that they are trying to poop. Sometimes Drue would have them sit backwards on the toilet seat and put toys on the toilet tank and let them play.
Tip#3 Make sure they aren’t rushing off the toilet! Since they just getting used to using the potty, toddler can assume that the same it takes them to pee will be the same amount of time it takes to poop. We still struggle with this with our six year old. Make sure they aren’t rushing to get off the potty but also they arent sitting on the toilet too long causing them to strain.
Tip#4 Don’t be afraid of prune juice! Anything to make pooping easier until they get the hang of pooping regularly. Mix it with their favorite juice.
Tip#5 Make a mental note of how often they are pooping before you started potty training. Some kids poop everyday. Some every other day. I had one child who always pooped after lunch time without fail! That would be when I would have them sit on the toilet a bit longer.
Hopefully one or all of these tips help get your toddler to poop in the potty! If you find success with any of these tips let me know in the comments or if you have any questions about potty training put those in the comments as well!
Remember I’m not an expert, just a mom who has gone through this way too many times.
Also head to my amazon store to find all my favorite things that made potty training a breeze!
Natasha says
I love this! I will definitely will be trying this with my toddler. She’s not 2 as yet! But I think the earlier the better.. right!?
jeena says
We started two! We felt like before two years old it practice and parents teaching them to be comfortable with using the bathroom.