The most important thing to know and understand before you start this method is that your child must be physically ready to do this. They may show interest in using the potty and may even tell you that they’ve just peed in their diaper but until they’re bladders are mature there is no point.
A few ways to determine if your child’s bladder is ready for potty training is you noticing their diapers are dry after a nap. This goes for after bedtime! I would suggest putting an alarm waking your child about twenty minutes before their usually wake up time. That way they arent waking up, then going back to sleep. I’ve notice that my children would pee in their diapers during this half awake/half asleep period.
Alright lets get started!
- You need to commit to this! Yes this all starts with you. Inconsistency will confuse your child and make them think if they cry, yell or wait long enough you will put a diaper on them again.
- Plan three days that you and your child will be able to stay at home. You cannot go out to the grocery store, park or any playdates during this time. Tip: getting grocery delivered is a lifesaver during potty training. Anything i needed during these three days I had delivered
- No diapers, training diapers or underwear! You child will be buck naked. He or she really wont understand the difference between training diapers and diapers. So why confuse them?! If it makes you feel better put a shirt on them.
- Buy all the candy. Buy any candy you know your child loves because every single time and i mean EVERY SINGLE TIME they pee in the toilet even if its just a trickle, you give them candy. Rewarding them makes them more willing to go to the potty because after a while this whole process gets stale for them. The novelty of using the bathroom like a big kid will wear off and you will need something to keep them motivated. Candy i find is the perfect incentive to get them to pee.
- Do not give them candy for any other reason than peeing in the toilet. I repeat do not give them candy if they do not go pee pee in the potty. Even if it was a fight to get them to go sit on the potty.
- Juice them up. Okay so it doesn’t have to be just juice. It can be water as well but you gotta hydrate that kid! You’re trying to get them to understand the sensation of having to go pee and the more fluids they drink the more opportunities you’ll have to help them understand.
- Set a timer! The first and second day you’ll set a timer for every 15-20 minutes. When the timer goes off ask your child if they need to use the restroom, no matter what answer you get you still get them to go sit on the potty. On the third day you’ll set a timer for every 20-30 minutes. Same thing, you ask, wait for a answer and put them on the potty no mater their response.
- Do not yell, punish, get angry or spank your child if they have an accident. You are teaching your child something new and I promise you, yelling at them will not make them all of a sudden be potty trained. Trust the process, your child and be patient. They will be potty trained. I haven’t yet met a first grader who wasn’t potty trained.
- Accidents will happen especially early on. Like I said yelling, spanking or punishing your child wont get them to magically pee in the potty but you can show how sad and disappointed you are that they didn’t make it to the potty. Have a conversation, talk about how they will do better next. Also have them help you clean up the mess.
I still continue to ask my toddler about every 45-60 minutes if they need to go to the potty. I also continue to give treats every time they pee in the potty. I usually stop rewarding them with candy after two weeks. Some kids will need or still want some type of reward for peeing in the potty that when i would suggest maybe switching over to stickers. So giving them stickers after every successful potty trip or having a sticker chart. After so many successful days they can get a bigger prize.
Keep a traveling potty seat with you at all times! This will make accidents less and potty training successful even after day three!
The longest it has ever taken me to potty train my child using this method is 5 days (Badger took 5 days to train and i felt like she would would have accidents on purpose because she had become so attached to her diaper) my other kids took 3 days.
This is what has worked for me and our family. I’m not an expert. Just a mom who has gone through the dreadful potty training days way too many time and will go through it again with my future children.
If you try this method or have already done so, let me know in the comments! If you’re at the beginning of this journey and have questions or would like to some specific tips comment below.
Also head to my Amazon store to find all of my favorite potty training thing that made potty training a breeze!
Deborah says
Does this method work for both pee and poop?
jeena says
I have a post that talk all about pooping & potty training!